When you have a regular job, you tend to be tied down doing it from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. This happens not two or three but five days a week.
Looking forward to the weekend is your weekly plea and hating Mondays is the new fun thing to do.
Some are able to build their careers and use this to gain traction in their respective fields. The others just work and look forward to the next pay.
The waiting goes on for days, then weeks, then years. And you notice that you have spent your life doing something that took the most time out of your life. Only to realize that you scrambled to make a living, but not really LIVING.
You made a living to have a life not fully experienced.
Whether we admit it or not, we need it for the money. We work our a$$e$ off to have money.
This is the new normal. Sad, but true.