One of the most popular WordPress Frameworks available is Genesis from StudioPress with many features included in the framework like SEO, Child Themes, Instant Updates, Enhanced Security and more. This post will list some of the themes that are available for Genesis easily allowing you to change your blogs look and feel for a small investment.
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15 WordPress Theme Frameworks That Help You Develop WordPress Themes
WordPress Theme Frameworks have exploded in popularity over the past few years with new ones joining the ranks almost on a monthly basis is would seem. WordPress Theme Frameworks are when all said and done basically starter WordPress themes that allow anyone to start developing their own WordPress theme on top of the chosen frameworks foundation and feature set.
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PageLines Framework Updated to V2.2 Drag & Drop WordPress Framework
PageLines Framework have released an update v2.2 of their fantastic WordPress Drag & Drop Theme Framework. New features in this update to PageLines include integration of Twitter’s Bootstrap, live LESS CSS processing, improvements to the PageLines Store, Dashboard optimization – including live chat support right from your WordPress admin panel through a new subscription service PageLines Plus, and several new Drag & Drop sections.
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9 WordPress Theme Option Frameworks
WordPress Theme Option Frameworks allow you to easily add professional looking theme options panels to any WordPress themes you develop. In this article we list nine of the most popular WordPress theme options panels that are frequently used by WordPress theme developers that sell premium WordPress themes.
My personal choice of WordPress Theme Options Framework when developing themes is the NHP WordPress Theme Options Framework as it’s highly extendable and easy to work with. Whats your favorite options panel to work with or if we have left out the options framework you personally use let us know in the comments.
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